What’s good everyone? Sam here. Obviously. As I say goodbye to another year, I wanted to take a minute to reflect on everything that has happened.

Happiness is a spectrum, but I’ve been fortunate enough to sit on the optimistic side for a majority of my life. Behind the scenes shit and stress aside, I consider myself lucky. Life throws a lot at you, but it’s a matter of how you handle it that makes you the person that you are. Figuring out the next steps in my personal journey has been challenging, yet rewarding. But I always knew one thing: It was going to involve hip-hop.

For the longest time, I’ve wanted to do this music shit. It’s the one thing that has kept me going. Back in July of 2022, I dropped my debut album Audiovile on my birthday. It was not only a gift to myself, but a stepping stone into showcasing the workings of my mind (despite how fucked it can be).

Early last year, I dropped an EP titled Rivalry. It showcased my roots and love for battle rap while experimenting with my voice.

And just a month ago, I released Aurora Mortis, a double-sized concept album heavily inspired by dark fantasy. I’m real proud of this project. And aside from its size and stature, I’m far from finished. I’m already working on my next project, but I’ll leave it at that.

I decided to put down the drink last July for an extended period of time, and I’ve felt great. Sometimes you just need to take a step back and evaluate where you’re at. Examining my relationship with the stuff was important for my mental and physical health, and it’s kept me focused on what matters.

I met somebody special who actually gets me and doesn’t just put up a front. It’s the happiest I’ve been in a long time.

Having the drive to do what you love is important, but unfortunately, it isn’t guaranteed. I’m grateful I have that.

I’m not a dude who really does resolutions, but I for sure have goals for this new year. I wanna keep rocking with y’all, put out more music, maybe do some live shows.

Above all, keep living and not just surviving.

Stay tuned for everything. It’s gonna be a good one.

Happy New Year All,



